It is like a slow working poison - you don't feel quite right, but cannot put your finger on it. It starts out slow, and you don't even recognize it as abuse.
It takes little bites out of you, and you’re not quite sure why you feel uncomfortable.
But you’re in a seemingly safe place, so your defenses are down, getting ready for that golden relationship you have always dreamt of. You need to stay focused and positive, so you brush it off.
You don't think things are quite the way they are being presented, but going along with it, repeatedly, has proven to be the path of least resistance. You're sure you're loved, so all of this must be in your best interest.
Things still seem to be off track. You have worked so hard to make the changes needed to please the one you love. But approval never comes. It's painful and you have despaired, but it's worth it , right? All this will pass. Things will work out. You must put more of yourself into it.
You may not even recognize it as abuse, and will eventually accept you deserve it.
It is like a slow working poison - you don't feel quite right, but cannot put your finger on it. It starts out slow, and you don't even recognize it as abuse.
It takes little bites out of you, and you’re not quite sure why you feel uncomfortable.
But you’re in a seemingly safe place, so your defenses are down, getting ready for that golden relationship you have always dreamt of. You need to stay focused and positive, so you brush it off.
There are a few things your beloved frowns on about you, but you’re working on them and their shiny love will be yours again. Your perceptions of reality blur as you try to see things their way.
You don't think things are quite the way they are being presented, but going along with it, repeatedly, has proven to be the path of least resistance. You're sure you're loved, so all of this must be in your best interest.
Things still seem to be off track. You have worked so hard to make the changes needed to please the one you love. But approval never comes. It's painful and you have despaired, but it's worth it , right? All this will pass. Things will work out. You must put more of yourself into it.
After some time, your self esteem is crushed, and emotional stability is impossible. Depression, fear and anxiety are your norm. Emotional, physchological, phsysical and other aspects of your life are being affected. You may be having difficulties sleeping, eating, focusing. Maybe your biting your fingernails, pulling your hair, making careless mistakes at work, feeling agitated with a lack of patience towards your children, friends and family.
If your friends or family haven't experienced the unique form of abuse that is narcissism, you may feel isolated, misunderstood and confused. Their lack of ability to understand may further your feelings of being gaslit. Escaping from narcissistic abuse is not like a regular break up. Even experts who recommending going "no contact" with the abuser do not take into account the complications of being legally required to regularly communicate with their co-parent/abuser. Traditional counseling, often sought after a ‘normal’ breakup, does not come near to adequately treating this kind of trauma.
Post Separation Abuse:
After some time, your self esteem is crushed, and emotional stability is impossible. Depression, fear and anxiety are your norm. Emotional, physchological, phsysical and other aspects of your life are being affected. You may be having difficulties sleeping, eating, focusing. Maybe your biting your fingernails, pulling your hair, making careless mistakes at work, feeling agitated with a lack of patience towards your children, friends and family.
Often, none of your family or friends understand what you have been through, the damage done. They think you've overreacted and just need to shake it off! This is not just a breakup, it is an escape from destruction that will never be understood. Just calm down, they say! We wish it were that easy. Traditional counseling, often sought after a ‘normal’ breakup, does not come near to adequately treating this kind of trauma.
You have already taken that first step.
You have already taken that first step.
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